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Founded by our First Customer

Over a decade ago, we kicked off this adventure with a local hero - Carlos, a firefighter whose sunglasses were not just an accessory, but a piece of his identity that were with him for every fire he battled, trail he conquered, and waters he explored.

Frustrated with expensive decisions every time his sunglasses scratched, he was the first to ask co-founders, Brandon Dill and Jon Martino, "Can't I just replace the lenses?"

At the time, they already had extensive experience working in prescription optical labs and quickly dove into the world of "plano" lens technology. And it would never be the same.

From the very beginning, every lens cut, new product introduced, and innovation made is driven by the voice of our customers, our "Fuse Squad." Fuse Lenses is not just a company, but a new community driven by a collective desire to keep the things we love, and our adventures, alive.

Read more about Fuse Lenses and who we are!

Meet the Team

Did you know that as of 2014, just one giant company owned 80% or more of all sunglasses sold in the United States?

This company owns almost every sunglass brand you can think of and pits them against each other as if they are separate. They own the stores in the malls. They even invade your local fishing and surf shops. They spend an unimaginable amount of money to advertise their newest products - and they do it all without mention of replacement lenses. We probably don’t need to tell you that selling sunglasses is their priority and that selling replacement lenses to extend the life of the sunglasses they just sold to you ISN’T. It’s no wonder most people don’t know that this product exists. In fact, if you made it here, you are one of a small group to be in the know. If a brand does happen to offer some replacement lenses, you might notice that our lenses often cost less than half of what they charge. They price their lenses so high that if you are on the fence about replacing or buying, you are more likely to say “shoot, if lenses cost that much, might as well just buy a new frame.” Sound familiar?

We want to change that.

Our business is to help you extend the life of your sunglasses at a price that makes sense. Unlike the big brands, we don’t have hefty expenses on research and development, HUGE advertising campaigns, and high-powered executives with lavish lifestyles. We are just a small, independent company with about 30 employees right here in the USA. This allows us to offer the same quality lenses as the big guys with less of a price tag. We prefer to invest our dollars in people, processes, and equipment so that we can control our costs and pass the savings along to you. Since we’re on the subject of price, did you know you can buy around 5 pairs of our replacement lenses for the same cost as an average pair of brand name sunglasses?

It’s not JUST about the price.

When you place an order with us, we custom cut each pair of lenses to order in Clearwater, FL on our state-of-the-art equipment (same as what you would find in big brand’s factories). Then, our team cleans, inspects, and packages up your order. This process usually takes around 1-3 days - but it’s worth it. There are tons of small lens companies that pop up, buy pre-cut lenses in bulk, and sell them to you for less. If you just want replacement lenses, they work. What those brands don’t do is stand behind their products and their quality.

We know lenses.

When Fuse was formed nearly 10 years ago, there were two primary lens materials available: Triacetate (TAC) or “Bent Sheet” Polycarbonate. Many “affordable” brands still use Triacetate lenses today. It is a widely available, inexpensive material. The problem is that the visual acuity of TAC is so bad that most manufacturers produce the lenses at only a 1.0mm center thickness to reduce the amount of inherent haze and aberrations in the material. That’s pretty much a fancy way of saying factories have workarounds to make TAC into a lens that is optically barely passable. Bent Sheet Polycarbonate is a rigid, durable material produced in large sheets, cut into rectangles, and then bent to a curve in a heated, hydraulic press. This process is not only its namesake but also its shortcoming. Coatings that get added to the surface meant to protect the material are stretched out during this process, making the lenses easier to scratch and delaminate. Even worse, while Bent Sheet Polycarbonate does have optics superior to TAC, neither material can be used in the production of prescription eyeglasses and, for that reason, aren’t considered to be “optical grade.”

Those options weren’t good enough.

Over the years, we worked alongside some of the top lens material manufacturers on the development of an optical grade, injection molded Polycarbonate lens. Instead of starting as large sheets, the Polycarbonate material is melted down to a liquid and injected into a metal mold at high pressure to form the base shape of a lens. You might not notice a difference looking through the lens, but it’s worth it to us. This change in process allowed us to not only offer an optical grade Polycarbonate, but also increase our scratch resistance and coating durability 3x. These days, you’ll find injection molded Polycarbonate in most high end sunglasses and the majority of prescription eyeglasses in the US because of its higher index, lighter weight, and extreme (virtually bulletproof) shatter resistance. It is the material we use in all of our lenses.

We guarantee you’ll love our lenses.

And we’re not just saying that. We literally guarantee it. If you are unhappy with your lenses in any way, we will replace them for no charge within 60-days of your purchase. We’re talking to all you indecisive shoppers out there, too. We will let you change your mind. Why do we do this? It goes back to when we were founded on a customer request. He came to us wanting to replace a whole pair of sunglasses that we couldn’t order. His frames were fine though, he really just needed new lenses. After we replaced the lenses, he was so excited to show them off that 5 more orders came in right after. We learned from our very first customer that working to listen and resolve your concerns is how we grow. We strive to create those “I can’t wait to show everyone” experiences.

We’re with you the whole way.

Long after you press “buy,” our team is still behind you. We work hard to earn your satisfaction. Not only do we guarantee fit and offer that 60-day satisfaction guarantee, but we also warranty our replacement lenses against anything for life. That means you can get a replacement no matter if you scuffed a lens or your dog wanted a snack. When you reach out to our customer support team you talk to a real person that wants to help you get the right lenses. No robots or obscure warranty processes. You reach out with an issue and we help you; it’s as simple as that.


We believe that creating experiences outdoors leads to a more fulfilling life. We aim to be the lenses you experience life through.”


Each time you shop, you have the option to round up your purchase and donate to our monthly charity partners!

Lenses That Give Back


It's Super Easy

Pick your perfect lenses online.

Fuse custom cuts every pair of lenses to order in Clearwater, FL.

Brand new lenses are at your door in 2-3 weeks!



Co-founder, CEO

Brandon has over 20 years of optical experience under his belt. Today, he does everything from paying taxes to repairing machines in the lab, to organizing team meetings, to supervising marketing efforts, or just pouring coffee for his tired employees.


Co-founder, CEO

Jon got his start in the optical industry at the ripe age of 18. Since then, he has dedicated his entire life to finding the perfect balance of strong hardcoatings and fashionable colors for your Fuse Lenses.


General Manager

Gabby, a Long Island native, loves to binge The Office and eat ice cream for dessert. She has been scuba diving but wants to check off another adventurous thing to her bucket list by going skydiving.


Customer Support Manager

Rosina loves long walks in the woods or mountains, ideally avoiding all humans except for her husband (and maybe the kids). Nature is her happy place & keeps her sane. When she's not taking care of her actual family, she's here at Fuse with her 2nd family.


Customer Support

Zach is a helpful resource for our customers. He is also a harsh critic of live music, craft beer, sports radio callers, and people who put clothes on their pets.


Customer Support

Originally from Colorado Springs, Kayla is a mother of two and an avid crossfit athlete. Even though she spends most of her time with her family, she can definitely make time to beat you in a rap battle.


Customer Support

Alex is super outgoing and friendly. She loves animals, and is obsessed with anything Tim Burton. Her favorite color is green, and she loves true crime documentaries.


Office Assistant

Bethani is a food & video game enthusiast. When she's not streaming or hanging with her dog, you'll find her outside planting something in her garden. While she enjoys cooking for her family and friends, the best part of her day is winding down with a sweet treat for herself.


Social Media Support

Caitlin loves to spend time with her dog, Porter. When the pair is separated, she’ll probably be at the beach.


Marketing Director

A caffeine dependent life form that can often be found scheduling meetings, crafting copy, watching cat videos, or doing her very best to motivate everyone to stay on task.


Marketing Manager

Alanna is a big nerd with a bigger heart. You'll likely find her on a trail, in a gym, or at her desk with her two sons (her cats, Oni and Gringus). She has a tendency to yap but she's always down to try something new!


Graphic Designer

Reagan likes drawing, games, books, and DND. She's an avid collector of graphic novels, manga, postcards, or whatever she impulsively purchases. Right now she's currently working on a comic, and she loves spicy food.


Social Media Manager

Colin is a creative forward thinker and delusional optimist. His inner monologue has been replaced by podcasts, and he has a bad habit of being a perfectionist.


Marketing Assistant

Parker’s a proud hater of country music and a major cat person. She prefers to spend her time hanging out with her friends, but she usually just ends up at home dying her hair.


Jr. Social Media Strategist

Kiara goes to USF, and her favorite color is pink (she owns everything in pink). She loves seals, hedgehogs, and fashion. When she's not hanging out with friends and family, she's probably buying Littlest Pet Shop collectibles.


E-Commerce Director

Holt be raised in a humble port town, where grand dreams set sail on the tides o' hard work. He charted a course fer Florida, findin' his fortune at Fuse, cratin' the brand's horizons. A loyal mate to his wife and proud father o'three deckhands!


Jr. Web Developer

Josael has mad skills in reading, math, and disc golf. He plays disc golf on most weekends and tries his best to avoid losing his precious discs in the water. His ideal day is a meal with his family, and reading for the rest of the day.


Lab Manager

While Peter describes himself as lean, mean and green, he's also a loving father of two. When he's not managing the lab at Fuse, he's likely doing CrossFit or fishing.


Assistant Lab Manager

Eric is a happily married father of 4. He spent some time in Army Aviation as a mechanic, and he's been part of the Fuse team for nearly a decade. He loves spending time with his family, and taking Rosina to new restaurants.


Lab Shift Supervisor

Tyler is just a laid back and easy going guy. He tries to make each day better than the last. He's silly, chill, and kind. When he's not getting swole at the gym, he's hanging out with his ball and chain.


Lab Shift Supervisor

Richie is a hardworking and determined person. He likes helping guide others, and pushes everyone to be the best version of themselves. He prefers a schedule and follows through with his routines, but will always make time to enjoy a meal.


Inventory Specialist

Tovahnna's name might be Hebrew but she is not. Even though she's only two inches away from having to drive in a booster seat, she's still able to reach lenses off the top shelf. The best part of her day is unwinding at home, and binging Golden Girls.


Lab Tech

Rick is outgoing and social. He likes to get out in nature, and do things for the enviornment. He cares deeply about his family, and loves to plan activities with them.


Custom Lens Specialist

Sharon is a Kentucky girl who decided to change career paths, while also moving to the Sunshine State. She lives every day as a new adventure with her husband and pups.


Lab Tech

Sienah is currently a student at USF, so she's a little stressed 99.9% of the time. Besides school, she's either shopping, traveling, getting coffee or boba, or spending time with her loved ones.


Lab Tech

Devan loves hanging out with friends and family, and is down to try new things. He's a homebody who loves to binge TV and games on his days off.


Lab Tech

Al is a lively person with a great sense of humor. He's a true coffee enthusiast, always exploring new blends and flavors. He's a friend to all.


Lab Tech

Chamad is a 15 year Air Force veteran with a degree in music production. He enjoys motorsports and the beach. He's quiet, but he knows what to say when it's most important. His idea of leisure reading is doing research on any topic he's interested in.


Lab Tech

If "Business in the front and party in the back" was a person, it would be Christian. He's a little shy at first, but once you get to know him he's wide open. He's always up for a new adventure and a good time.


Lab Tech

Connor is currently a high school senior studying to be an aerospace engineer. He's a huge basketball fan who wants to master his physics equations, and he's really good at memorizing statistics.


Lab Tech

Greg is a musician, photographer, and homeboy. He likes to ride his bike around DTSP and lay in his hammock by the water. He never passes up an opportunity to drink coffee, and spends most evenings with his fiance and dog.


Lab Tech

Jenn is a mom of 3 and a grammy of 4. She's a writer, and has a cat named Luna. Her ideal Sunday would be walking the halls of the Dali Museum, having lunch outside, looking for stones, and hanging out in nature.


Lab Tech

Josh is (sorta) creative, and likes to draw. He loves cars, fashion, and listening to music. He believes that being alive is weird, but very cool.


Lab Tech

Kevin enjoys spending his time with close friends. He practices Muay Thai and Jui Jitsu. He seeks out adventures and life impacting experiences to share with others.


Lab Tech

Krish is an avid soccer fan. When he's not watching sports, he loves to travel and hang with his family and friends. When he's not at Fuse, he's likely on the couch watching sports.


Lab Tech

Michael is an avid sports fan who's always rooting for Tampa Bay! His short attention span doesn't allow him to watch tv shows (other than sports), but he loves collecting hats, sunglasses, and the best taco spots.


Lab Tech

Renee is a Florida native who loves CrossFit and horses. If she's inside the house, she's practicing piano or reading a Colleen Hoover book. You can also find her line dancing on Saturday nights.


Lab Tech

Sean is the class clown. He loves to hunt, fish, and ride motorcycles. He loves laughing with his coworkers at Fuse, and having a glass of scotch when he gets home.


We are dedicated to helping our customers get back outdoors to experience life and live more fulfilling lives.

If you are someone who is community-focused, curious, enjoys the outdoors, and wants to join our mission - we can't wait for you to apply.

Read more about Fuse Lenses and who we are!

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Lens Comparison Chart

Lens types

From the everyday to the extreme, we have lenses to meet your needs.

Learn More
Standard PRO


Quality Polycarbonate
100% UV Protection
Increased Eye Comfort
Increased Durability
Water and Oil Resistant
Lens Engraving
Enhanced Color and Clarity
Warranty Details

Fuse +Plus Warranty

Fuse +Plus lens purchases include a lifetime, 1 time replacement guarantee. It doesn’t matter if something happens today, tomorrow, or 10 years from now -- we’ve got your back.

Standard Warranty

All lens purchases include a lifetime, 1 time replacement warranty standard, no questions asked.

Extended Warranty

You can add an additional warranty replacement to your order for just $9.99. Adding this option gives you a total of TWO lens replacements over the lifetime of your lenses!
*Each extended warranty purchase applies to one set of lenses on your order. You can only purchase one extended warranty per pair of lenses. Not valid on prescription lens orders

Warranty redemptions may only be used for a lens of the same value and for the same frame as the original purchase. If your lenses become damaged at any time during the warranty time period, simply contact customer service from our Help Center to get a fresh set of lenses.

60 Day Guarantee, Buy With Confidence!

All lens purchases include a 60-day guarantee. Within 60 days after the date of delivery, you may exchange or return your item for a full refund. To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused, in the original packaging, and in the same condition that you received it.

Unfortunately, gift cards are ineligible for returns. Additionally, past 60 days we are unable to offer you a refund. To complete your return, we require proof of purchase..

We get a ton of packages, so please do not send your items back without first receiving a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. You will receive an RMA number once you have started a return or exchange. To start a return or exchange, contact us at from our Help Center.

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